
Declarations implemented in Scotland under Regulation 25 of The Trade in Animals and Related Products (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (SSI 2012/177)

Where Scottish Ministers or Food Standards Scotland have reasonable grounds for suspecting the existence of a disease, zoonosis, phenomenon or circumstance outside the United Kingdom liable to present a serious threat to human or animal health, Scottish Ministers or Food Standards Scotland may by way of written Declaration suspend, or impose conditions upon, the entry into Scotland of any animal, product or genetic material from the whole or any part of the country concerned.

Declarations implemented in Scotland under Regulation 35 of The Official Feed and Food Controls (Scotland) Regulations 2009 (SSI 2009/446)

Where Scottish Ministers or Food Standards Scotland have reasonable grounds to suspect that any food or feed that has been or may be introduced into Scotland is likely to constitute a serious risk to animal or public health they each have the power to issue a written Declaration suspending or imposing conditions on the introduction into Scotland of that product.  IMPORTANT UPDATE: Regulation 35 was revoked by regulation 3(2) of the Food and Feed (EU) Exit (Scotland) (Amendments) Regulations 2020, with a savings provision made under regulation 3(4). This states that notwithstanding the revocation of regulation 35, any declaration made under regulation 35 that applies immediately before the revocation comes into force, continues to have effect as if it were made under Article 53 of Regulation 178/2002.

Declarations currently in force