Policy updates

New and emerging policy and regulation.

We are responsible for developing food and feed safety, labelling, composition and standards policy in Scotland. The regulatory context we work in has changed now that the UK has left the European Union. Along with the Scottish Government we have developed provisional frameworks with UK Government departments, with a view to agreeing changes to retained EU law in future. 

Given that EU law continues to apply in Northern Ireland, and given the 4-country nature of these framework arrangements, we will be keeping track of EU policy developments. For example, by monitoring discussions taking place at the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed.

We also work with the Scottish Government and other UK departments to make sure that Scottish interests are represented in international discussions on food and feed law and standards, including Codex.

New legislation and technical amendments can progress quickly. It's important that stakeholders in Scotland are kept informed on the latest changes and have an opportunity to input their views. Our enhanced risk analysis process will also offer stakeholders a chance to contribute to the development of new food and feed controls.


Engagement and consultation with stakeholders is a key part of our policy development process.

All open and closed consultations are published on Citizen Space.

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We regularly consult with stakeholders and consumers to develop policy that will ensure food and feed in Scotland continues to be safe, and help consumers make informed decisions about the food they eat.


Post EU Exit

Changes to the regulatory and business environment.


Health and identification marks

Guidance for food businesses in Scotland producing products of animal origin (POAO).