Accessibility and inclusive communications plan

FSS has published its first Accessibility and Inclusive Communications plan. The plan details the specific actions that we aim to deliver by 2026 to improve and ensure there are limited barriers in accessing FSS information and guidance.

The plan aims to ensure that everyone can easily find, access and interpret the information they need in relation to healthy eating and food safety in accordance with their individual needs and requirements.

Our 7 key goals outlined in the plan are:

  1. Enhance awareness and understanding of the importance of accessibility and inclusive communications and embed best practice and a collective responsibility right across the organisation

  2. Provide resources for colleagues to ensure content is accessible and inclusive

  3. Ensure contracted third-party organisations and suppliers comply with accessibility and inclusive communications regulations/ requirements across all outputs

  4. Identify any new legislation and emerging technologies and be prepared for change

  5. Consider specific tactics to communicate with vulnerable and minority groups

  6. Continue to deliver British Sign Language (BSL) commitments

  7. Strengthen relationships and engagement with key stakeholders/groups

We welcome your views and feedback on the plan. If you have any suggestions for improvements or comments, please contact us at or using Contact Scotland BSL

Contact Scotland BSL




Download our accessibility and inclusive communications plan to read about how we will action these goals over the next two years.

The video below is our full accessibility and inclusive communications plan in BSL.