Research report

​A Survey of Anisakis and Pseudoterranova in Scottish fisheries and the efficacy of current detection methods

1 documents for this subject


Wootten, R. (2009), Anisakis nematodes in marine fish: is there a problem? Government Veterinary Journal, 20(1), 28-31.

University of Stirling
Petrie, A ; Wootten, R; Bron, J;
Fisheries Research Services
Bruno, D;
University of Aberdeen
Mackenzie, K


Anisakiasis is a potentially fatal condition associated with the accidental ingestion by humans of nematodes in infected fish. Most anisakiasis is associated with ingestion of the nematode Anisakis spp with the remainder principally associated with the related Pseudoterranova spp. This project was concerned with surveying the prevalence and intensity of infection of these nematodes in targeted Scottish white fish populations and investigating the efficacy of current processing and detection methods.

Project Code: S14008