We issue food alerts and notices in Scotland to let consumers know about problems associated with food and drink. We also publish UK-wide food alerts, allergy alerts, and recalls and these are published on our website, social media channels and are sent out by text and email.

Why is food recalled?

A Product Recall Information Notice (PRIN) will be issued when:

  • a solution to the problem has been put in place, or 
  • the product has been, or is being, recalled from consumers

An Allergy Alert (AA) is issued when:

  • The allergy information on food labels is missing, incorrect, the affected foods will therefore need to be recalled from sale.

When this happens, we will put a solution to the issue in place and issue an Allergy Alert to inform consumers via our website, text and e-mail alerts service and notices displayed in stores.

Find out more information about food allergies.

A Food Alert for Action will be issued when intervention by enforcement authorities is required. These notices and alerts are often issued in conjunction with a product withdrawal or recall.

If food could talk - BSL

News and alerts

Food Standards Scotland’s news and food alerts, including product recalls and allergy alerts. 


Food alerts and news

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