Advanced Online Allergen Training


This training is made up of five sections:

  1. Food Allergies
  2. Rules and Regulations
  3. Providing Allergen Information
  4. Allergen Management
  5. The Responsibility of a Food Business

Food Allergies Explained

What is a food hypersensitivity? How does a food allergy differ from a food intolerance? These are some of the questions we will answer in this first section of the training. You will gain an understanding of food allergies, what happens when an allergic reaction occurs, and what it is like to live with a food allergy.

Rules and Regulations

Now that you understand a bit more about what a food allergy is, it’s time to look at the rules and regulations of allergens in Scotland. This second section will explore why food information is so important, what the law states with regards to allergens and how it is enforced.

Providing Allergen Information

Allergen information requirements vary depending on how the food is presented to the customer. In this section we will explain the different information requirements for both prepacked and non-prepacked foods, including foods that are prepacked for direct sale (PPDS). We will also cover the information required for orders placed as takeaways (via distance selling), and how this differs from food sold in person.

Allergen Management

By this point in the training, you should have a better understanding of what the requirements are for allergens in Scotland. This fourth section will help you to understand what you can do as a food business to better manage allergens and provide a safer environment for your customers.

Your Responsibility as a Business

This fifth and final section will provide detailed information on why it is so important to manage allergens within your business, and what can happen if this is not done safely. This section also features a case of someone who lost their life as a result of poor allergen management by a food business. Please be warned, some viewers may find this content upsetting.

Before you begin the quiz

The following two questions are optional and help us with our reporting and providing you a better service.