
Interests, needs and concerns around food: the public’s view in Scotland

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This report presents key findings from a comprehensive review of public interests in food carried out in Scotland. 

The research is part of a larger piece of work covering the whole of the UK, commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS). It aimed to provide a detailed ‘snapshot’ of people’s interests, needs and concerns around food and is published separately by FSA. 

The research covers the key food interests the public would like to see represented and protected on their behalf - particularly in relation to food hygiene and safety, and diet and nutrition, but also more widely.

The majority of the findings emerging from Scotland are broadly similar to those across the rest of the UK.   

A more detailed UK-wide report, including technical details, can be found on the FSA website

Findings from the UK and Scotland reports were also used to inform the FSA/FSS Joint annual report: ‘Our Food 2021 – An annual review of food standards across the UK’.