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New regulated product application system launched by the FSA and FSS

On 20 June 2023, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) are launching a new system for businesses to make applications for Regulated Products, certain types of food and feed ingredients that require authorisation before they can be sold in the UK.

The new, more efficient system will help businesses follow the correct procedure when it comes to securing the necessary authorisation to sell regulated food and feed products. It is designed to make it easier for applicants to understand what information is required to submit a good-quality, complete application for their product and will be particularly helpful for new businesses and those that don’t traditionally recognise themselves as food or feed businesses, like start-ups.

Applicants will be provided with a checklist of what is required, will be allowed more time for the application and supporting material to be uploaded and completed, and will be able to see the progress of their application. Applicants will also receive regular updates, which they can respond to. Additionally, the system will support renewals but will not affect applications already in progress on the previous system.

Garry Mournian, FSS Director of Policy and Science, said:

“We are delighted to be launching the new regulated product application system today as it will ensure businesses have access to the best possible systems and guidance to help them through the authorisation process.”

To apply for a regulated product authorisation, please visit: Apply for a regulated product authorisation - Food Standards Agency