
Impact of Brexit on IT Systems


Details of any planning work that has been carried out to understand the possible impact of Brexit on IT systems operated by or behalf of Food Standards Scotland, including any relevant arms-length bodies.

Planning work could include internal investigations, seeking advice from other government bodies, external consultancy, systems testing or development. By 'impact' I mean modifications to existing IT systems, and/or development of new systems, required to enact any changes to government policy that might result from Britain’s departure from the EU.

1. Details of any such planning work carried out to date, and which IT system(s) it relates to.

2. Any advice the organisation has received, as a result of this planning work, about actions it may need to take to ensure its IT systems are ready for Brexit, including estimated costs if available.

3. An indication of whether the organisation has already undertaken these actions, is planning to undertake them, or is considering them pending further information.


While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance Food Standards Scotland does not hold the information you have requested.