
Communication with Local Authorities on Cannabidiol (CBD)


1. The number of and content of the responses provided to your request of 29 March 2019.

2. Confirmation of whether or not any further such information requests were made to local authorities between April 2019 and the beginning of May 2020.

3. If any such further requests were made, the content of those requests and any responses received.

4. Any policy or operational document which makes reference to or relies upon the responses received in such consultation exercises.

5. Correspondence relating to the novel food status of CBD between the beginning of March 2019 and the end of April 2020, between Food Standards Scotland and:

a. Scottish Ministers or ministerial departments;

b. The European Commission or any organ or consultative body thereof;

c. The European Food Standards Agency;

d. The Food Standards Agency.


1. We had 6 responses from Local Authorities.

Section 35(1)(a) (the prevention or detection of crime) applies to the content.

2. One further request was made to Local Authorities.

3. Section 35(1)(a) (the prevention or detection of crime) applies to this information.

4. Information not held.

5a. Information not held.

5b. Information not held.

5c. Information not held.

5d. Please see the Annex for further information.