
Breaches at Meat Cutting Factories


1. Can you let me know how many meat cutting factories there are in Scotland that are subject to FSA inspections?

2. Out of this total, can you tell me how many major instances of non-compliance with hygiene or food safety regulations were recorded at each food cutting factory in 2017 by the FSA?

3. Out of each instance can you provide details of what the food cutting factory was/ what date the breach was recorded/ and supply details for what each of the breach was for?

4. For each of the above questions can you supply answers for the years 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013 as well.


Food Standards Scotland (FSS) became the independent food body in Scotland on 1 April 2015.  Since that date, FSS has delivered the official controls (inspections) in cutting plants which were previously carried out in Scotland by the Food Standards Agency.  We do not hold any information within scope of your request prior to FSS becoming an independent body on 1 April 2015, and you may wish to contact FSA for earlier information, as previously advised. 

There are 92 Meat Cutting Plants currently approved in Scotland, 26 of those are slaughterhouses with co-located cutting plants. 

Please see the attached document which shows all non-compliance at each cutting plant along with the dates as requested.